The Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority provides wastewater treatment for Elizabeth Borough and portions of Elizabeth Township, Forward Township, and Lincoln Borough, service approximately 2200 customers.

The Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority was incorporated on December 29, 1949, under the Municipal Authorities Act of May 2nd, 1945 (P.L.382) as amended and pursuant to the Ordinance of Borough of Elizabeth.

The Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority exists and operates under the Authorities Act and is governed by a Board of seven (7) members, five (5) of whom are appointedby Borough Council of the Borough of Elizabeth, and two (2) appointed by the Commissioners from the Township of Elizabeth. The Board manages the business of the Authority with the assistance of a secretary/treasurer and with the service of appointed accounting, legal, financial and engineering firms.

The Treatment Plant is operated 7 days per week by a staff of 4 employees including office personnel. The Treatment Plant is designed to treat 1.2 million gallons per day at normal flow and 3 million gallons per day at peak flows.

The Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority owns and maintains the pump station, overflow regulators, catch basins, interceptor, forced main, sanitary and combination sewer lines. The sanitary and combination sewer lines vary in size from 6” to 48” for a total of 43,930 LF or 8.32 miles of pipe.