While only a handful of our customers experience a sewer backup each year, we know that when it does occur, it can be a stressful experience. Therefore, we’ve put a plan in place to help our customers through the process.
EBMA representatives will provide an on-site inspection to verify that the public sewer main serving your home is functioning properly – this is a free service to you and may save you costly, unnecessary plumbing and repair bills. If we find that there is a problem with our main, we will repair it.
If we find that there is no obstruction in the public sewer, then it may be necessary for you to contact a plumber to check the condition of the sanitary sewer service line serving your home or business this line is owned by you. The EBMA recommends that you solicit firm sewer service line repair or replacement quotes from at least 3 reputable contractors before authorizing any work. DON’T ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE PRESSURED INTO A QUICK REPAIR COMMITMENT.
Insurance coverage for sanitary sewer backups
Following the unpleasant event of a sanitary sewer system backup, some sanitary sewer customers have learned that neither their insurance company nor the Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority (EBMA) is responsible for damages incurred. The Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority is not responsible for sudden and/or unforeseeable sanitary sewer backups and many homeowners’ insurance policies do not provide coverage for these occurrences. Please check your property insurance to verify that you have adequate coverage. In the event of a sanitary sewer backup, you may call the EBMA to verify the sanitary sewer main is not clogged. If the backup is being caused by your sanitary sewer service line, it will be your responsibility to correct.
Sewer backup insurance
Customers can alleviate possible sewer-related damage expenses by contacting their property insurance provider to verify that they have sewer backup coverage. Many homeowners’ insurance policies do not provide coverage for these occurrences. Therefore, It would be advisable for anyone on a public sewer system to have such coverage.
Always working towards customer excellence
Keep in mind that the Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority personnel are continually working towards minimizing the probability of sewer backups. The EBMA remains diligent in the effort to regularly fix, replace and maintain the sewer lines throughout its system.